
Early Breast Cancer Detection Can Save Lives: Governor Cuomo urges all New York women to take advantage of State Sponsored Screenings

Failure to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage can be deadly. To make sure all New York women, including those who don’t have insurance, are getting screened for breast cancer, the state of New York is sponsoring multiple initiatives related to Breast Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Community-Based Breast Cancer Education, Counseling, Outreach and Support Services.

In a recent campaign Governor Cuomo urged all women to get checked for breast cancer. Uninsured women should call NYSDOH Cancer Services Program at 1-866-442-CANCER (2262) or click here to find a free cancer screening in their community.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second deadliest cancer among women in New York State. Every year, 14,000 new cases are diagnosed and 2800 women die from breast cancer in our State. Early detection is key to reduce the number of deaths.

For more information on cancer screening click here

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