
Failure to diagnose colorectal cancer timely can have deadly consequences

Failure to diagnose colorectal cancer at an early stage often happens because patients are not properly educated or simply uncomfortable with the screening which consists of a colonoscopy during which a gastroenterologist will detect and remove precancerous polyps. 140,000 Americans are diagnosed every year with colorectal cancer which is the the third most deadly cancer in the US. All adults over 50 should have a colonoscopy. Colon cancer can be effectively treated if diagnosed early. We believe it should be done at 45.

To better educated patients, The Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx, NY will display The Rollin’ Colon a 20 foot long inflatable colon that shows the normal colon lining as well as the potential diseases that can affect it.
Read more in the New York Daily News

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