
Medial Malpractice Trial Begins Alleging Negligent Prescrpition of Methadone

This medical malpractice trial commenced on April 4, 2012 in Penobscot County Superior Court, Maine. The details are set forth in an article in The Bangor News. Although essential facts are not included in the article it appears that the defendant physician prescribed methadone for pain resulting from prolotherapy for the first time on August 26, 2006. Approximately 48 hours later the plaintiff stopped breathing and was revived by her fiance but allegedly suffered brain damage resulting in permanent injury. The dosage of Methadone given is not stated.

It is well known that Methadone may cause slowed breathing and irregular heartbeat, which may be life-threatening. Further, the risk that one will experience serious or life-threatening side effects of methadone is greatest when methadone is first prescribed. When first prescribing Methadone the lowest possible dosage sufficient to alleviate pain should be given. The usual dosage of oral Methadone for pain is 2.5 to 10 mg every 3 to 12 hours.

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