
The Elder Justice League aims to fight elder abuse thourgh social media

Elder abuse or elder mistreatment happens anytime a caregiver or a supposedly trusted person (in a nursing home or at home) intentionally causes physical, emotional or financial arm to a vulnerable elder. It is very difficult to determine the extent of this problem as often elders will not or are unable to complain. However as the elder population is growing so does the number of  instances of abuse. A few years ago The “New York State Elder Abuse Prevalence Study” established that  for one case of abuse known to agencies 24 were unknown.

In order to better fight this growing issue, elder justice advocates representing 11 organizations have joined forces together and created the “The Elder Justice League”. Supported by the National Center on Elder Abuse, “The Elder Justice League” wants to raise awareness of elder abuse through social media.  The NYC Elder Abuse Center is part of this league and you can learn more about it on their website.

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