
New York Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Case Settled for $1,750,000

A settlement in the amount of $1,750,000 was obtained by our partners New York Medical Malpractice Attorneys Ernie Steigman and Chris Sallay for the Wrongful Death of a 41-year old pregnant woman due to the Medical Malpractice of her Obstetrician and his office staff.

In this case, the decedent, who was about 10 weeks pregnant with triplets, had called her doctor’s office complaining of pain in her leg and shortness of breath on a Saturday. The nurse she spoke with advised her to come into the office on Monday. When she arrived on Monday, the doctor examined her but failed to take a Doppler study to determine the source of her leg pain. She was sent home and the next day she died from an undiagnosed venous thrombosis. She left behind her husband. The matter settled shortly after the start of the lawsuit for nearly all the available insurance proceeds.

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