
Serious personal injury caused by the “Skull Breaker Challenge” on Tik Tok

Several children and teenagers recently suffered serious personal injury after they were pranked by others in a new disturbing challenge on the popular app Tik Tok called “The skull breaker challenge”.  The prank requires two people to ask a third person to stand in line with them and take turns jumping. The person pranked is placed in the middle and when she or he jumps the two others kick their feet out from under making the person in the middle fall backward.  A 12 year old kid in Alabama ended up at the hospital with a broken wrist. Another 16 year old girl in Miami was also hurt in the same prank after she was told by other kids that they were shooting a video for a school project. A 13 year old  boy in New Jersey suffered a concussion followed by a seizure. His mother said that she arrived at the school 20 minutes after the accident and found her son unresponsive while the school was waiting for an ambulance.


Falling backward can not only result in serious injury but can also be deadly. Severe injuries of the neck and head can occur when falling backward. Bruises, hematoma, skull fracture, neck fracture and concussion are the most common injuries suffered in these type of accidents. Internal bleeding, loss of consciousness, paralysis and death can also occur in the worst cases.

Parents who have children using Tik Tok should talk to their children about this dangerous trend to make sure that they will not be a future victim or a future prankster. This type of  prank is not only dangerous to others but can result in assault charges.

According to Yahoo the trend started in Spain and quickly spread in India, in the Unites Arab Emirates and recently hit the US. Several parents have posted pictures of their severely injured children lying in hospital beds to raise awareness about the danger of this malicious and cruel prank.

Picture: Valerie Hodson posted a picture of her hospitalized son on Facebook to raise awareness about the dangers of the Skull Breaker Challenge.

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