
Car Accident NYC: 10 proposals from Gridlock Sam to reduce traffic fatalities


Former Traffic Commissioner Sam Schwartz, also known as Gridlock Sam because he coined the term gridlock, believes the following measures would be effective in cutting down the number of pedestrian accidents in New York City.

  • forensic investigation of all fatal and severe accidents by a traffic engineer
  • more pedestrian refuge islands
  • better roadway lighting at night
  • improvement of yellow and all-red signal timing
  • reduce drunk driving
  • reduce texting and driving
  • expand red lights and speed cameras
  • increase the number uniformed pedestrian traffic managers
  • enforce traffic safety at constructions sites
  • mandatory rear wheel guards for trucks

Some of this measures are similar to those proposed by Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD Commissioner Bratton in Queens last week (see our previous blog).

To read Gridlock Sam’s Article in the Daily News click here

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