
Product Liability: Some Body Building, Weight Loss and Sexual Enhancement dietary supplements can cause serious personal injury and death

Because Dietary supplements are available in health stores without prescriptions most consumers believe they are safe. But Some Body Building, Weight Loss and Sexual Enhancement dietary supplements contains hidden ingredients that can cause serious personal injury and sometimes lead to death.

Last week after 56 six cases of liver injuries and one death case were linked to the use of OxyElite Pro Dietary Supplements, the manufacturer USPlabs recalled all products containing Aegeline and VERSA -1, two illegal ingredients. (for more see USA Today)

The production of the sport supplement “Craze” was suspended by the manufacturer Driven Sports at the end of last month after tests conducted by the Harvard Medical School revealed the supplement contains potentially dangerous amounts of methamphetamine analog. The owner of Driven Sports, Matt Cahill was convicted in 2005 of felony charges for the sale of the weight-loss pills made from a highly toxic chemical pesticide banned from human consumption. He served two years in prison. (see Boston Globe)

Other products recently withdrawn from the market or under the watch of the FDA include:

Vega One Nutritional Shakes and Vega Sport Performance Protein Product Due to Traces of the Antibiotic Chloramphenicol Contact a prescription drug commonly used to treat typhoid fever and eye infection – Jimpness Beauty Fat Loss Capsules because they contain sibutramine, phenolphthalein, and sildenafil.
Vitalikor Fast Acting because it contains tadalafil and vardenafil, the active ingredients in the FDA approved prescription drugs Cialis and Levitra,

Photo: Alison Young, USA Today

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