
Construction Accidents: Power-line installers, Iron Workers and Roofers have the highest risk of fatal accidents among construction workers

A new version of the Construction Chart Book: The U.S. Construction Industry and its workers was recently released by the Center for Construction Research and Training.

Here are some of the most interesting findings and graphs related to Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries:

– Electrical Power-Line installers are the most at risk to die in a construction accident

– Fall is the leading cause of death among all construction workers

– By construction sector, heavy and civil engineering has the highest rate of fatalities

– Scaffolding violations are the most common violations on construction sites

– Compared to other countries United Stated have a high rate of fatal construction accidents

More info on Safety and Health Issues can be accessed in the book’s following topics:

Hazards and Exposures
Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries
Occupational Diseases
OSHA Enforcement and Injury Costs
Health Indicators and Services

The Construction Chart Book contains comprehensive statistics on economic, demographic, employment/income, education/training, and safety and health issues in the American Construction Industry. the whole version can be downloaded here.

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