
New bill proposal to address illegal parking in NYC bike lanes and prevent dangerous accidents

New York cyclists are facing higher risk of getting injured or killed in accidents every time they have to go around vehicles parked in a bike lane.  To deter drivers from doing so, the city is proposing a new law that would allow citizen not only to report truck and cars parked in the bike lanes but also to get a percentage of the money the city will make by ticketing the offender.

New bill would pay back citizen $43.75 per vehicle reported to the DOT

A bill proposed by NYC councilman Lincoln Restler wants to use citizen enforcement to fight back against the multiple motor vehicles obstructing bike lanes. Bikers encountering violators would snap a picture of the vehicle and submit it to the department of transportation for review. If legit, the vehicle owner would then receive  a $175 ticket. The city would then give back 25% or $43.75 to the person who reported the violator.

The bill would not only apply to obstruction of bike lanes but also obstruction of bus lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks or fire hydrants when such vehicle is located within a radial distance of 1,320 feet of a school building, entrance.

The proposed bill is based on an existing law that allows citizens to report idling trucks and buses and pocket around $90 if the complaint is justified

This type or practice is not new in New York City, the Citizen Air Complaint Program that was passed a few years ago allows any citizen who reports a truck or a bus running for more than 3 minutes to get almost $90 if the DOT tickets the bus or truck.  So far this practice has brought back $3 million and $1 million went in the citizen’s pockets.

Not everybody is happy with this new proposal. The NYPD commented that the new proposal will likely lead to violence.

Read more in Gizmodo


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