
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


Medical Malpractice Prevention: new drugs for prostate cancer patients require better guidelines and collaboration between urologists and oncologists

Until recently when a patient with prostate cancer was developing resistance to drugs that block testosterone, the hormone that fuels the cancer growth, his urologist would refer him to an oncologist who would start chemotherapy. The situation recently changed with the arrival on the market of new drugs such as…


Police Commissioner Kelly eulogizes traffic agent who died on the job after being run over by a truck

A New york Traffic Enforcement agent who died in a truck accident last week in Midtown Manhattan was eulogized by NYPD Commissioner Kelly at the funeral yesterday. Kalyanarat Ranasinghe, a 71 year old NYPD Traffic Agent was struck and killed by a vacuum truck as the truck driver was pulling…


In a car accident, older drivers are more likely to die or to suffer personal injury than younger drivers

In a car crash, the probability of sustaining serious personal injury or to die is much higher for drivers and car occupants if they are older adults. The number of drivers above 65 years old increased by 20% in 10 years. During that same time, the proportion of older drivers…


New York Traffic Accident: Bill Bratton, the new NYPD Commissioner promises to decrease traffic fatalities and fight subway crime

Wrongful deaths and serious personal injuries related to traffic accidents are epidemic in New York. The newly appointed NYPD commissioner, Bill Bratton, promised that this situation would change. In a speech Thursday Bratton said “It is ironic that even as the death totals have declined dramatically with violent crime in…


15,000 people suffered personal injury related to holiday decorating in November and December last year

Personal injuries related to decorating such as falling from a ladder, lacerations and back strains are the most common decorating injuries reported by emergency departments during the months of November and December. There are about 250 injuries a day during the holiday season according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.…


Product Liability – FDA warns that HeartStart Home Defibrillator recalled by Philips may fail to deliver a life-saving shock in a life or death situation

A defective electrical component in Philips HeartStart defibrillators may fail to deliver a needed shock in case of emergency, warned the FDA yesterday. This safety alert by the FDA follows the recall by Philips of three models of its HeartStart devices in September 2012 due to an internal electrical malfunction.…


Medical Malpractice – Failure to diagnose Breast Cancer: Update on the Dense Breast Legislation

Doctors often fail to diagnose cancer in women with dense breast tissue because mammograms screenings are not reliable for women with this condition. Recent statistics and studies also show that women with dense breast tissue have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore advocacy groups have been pushing for…


New York Car Accident Prevention: CB7 vote in favor of a complete streets study of Amsterdam Avenue, including safer pedestrian crossings and a protected bike lane

Personal injuries and wrongful deaths related to car accidents are much higher on Amsterdam Avenue in New York than on other northbound avenues on the Upper West Side according to CrashStat.Org. To protect pedestrians and bicyclists, yesterday night Community Board number 7 voted 35-0 with 5 abstentions for a resolution…

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