
Articles Posted in personal injury


Most cited OSHA safety violations in 2018

Failure to provide fall protection to workers  continues to be the most frequent violation found by OSHA inspectors while visiting construction sites or any other work site of other industries. From October 1st 20017 to September 20 2018, OSHA issued 7,270 violations to employers who failed to provide their employees with…


Protecting children from injury – recent studies

The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) just released a compilation of their 10 most recent projects in their 2018 annual report. Here is a summary of their area of studies and findings: Some recent studies are questioning if  it may actually be safer for a child to be seated…


Non fatal injuries in the US cost around $1.8 trillion every year , part 1

What does an injury really cost, not only in terms of medical spending but also in terms of work loss and decreased quality of life? A recent study by researchers from Brown University and the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation and published in the Journal of Injury Epidemiology provides…


Surgery Centers not mandated to report death or serious injuries in 17 States

Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Jeffrey Bloom and Ben Rubinowitz represented the family  of Joan Rivers after she died during a routine endoscopy at a Manhattan surgery center. Sadly many other patients have died following complications or surgical errors at this type of center as many States still do not have…


Opiod death prevention in the construction industry

Construction workers have one of the highest risk of suffering from personal injury during their activity. According to the National Safety Council, more than 70,000 construction workers are injured every year in the US with back injuries and hand injuries being the most common. Nearly all construction workers will suffer at…


Increase of personal injury claims related to motorized scooters

Over the last months, personal injury lawyers have been receiving an increasing amount of calls regarding motorized scooter accidents. Scooter accidents involving pedestrians as well as single scooter crashes are on the rise in the US with new scooter rental companies setting up shop all over America. In various cities,…


Hospitalization rate for firearm injuries in children and adolescents in urban versus rural areas

Firearm injuries are one of the leading causes of hospitalization for children and teenagers in the United States. A recent study by Bradley R. Herrin, Julie R. Gaither, John M. Leventhal and James Dodington compares hospitalization rates by age in urban settings (metropolitan counties of <50,000),  micropolitan settings (population 10,000-49,999) and…

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