
Articles Posted in construction accident


No more enforcement news from OSHA may lead to an increase in worker injuries

Workers especially construction workers may have a higher risk of getting injured on the job if the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) decides to definitely stop releasing enforcement news.  According to a recent article in Fair Warning, OSHA hasn’t published any enforcement press releases since Inauguration Day. Because OSHA doesn’t…


Preventing Falls in Construction Webinar

Falls are the number one cause of death among construction workers. Most of them are preventable. Every year, The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR), the National Institute for Occupational Safety (NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are joining forces to launch a national construction fall…


Construction Accident Prevention through Building Information Modeling (BIM)

20% of  the workers who die at work are construction workers but they represent only 4% of the employed workforce in the US. Hard hats are among the workers that have the most risk of being injured or even dying on the job. Sadly, most of these accidents are preventable.…


How do construction workers perceive safety and health at their workplace

Picture source: Wikipedia. Photos taken on residential construction sites which use fall arrest systems Construction workers have a higher risk of accidents than many other workers in other industries. According to the most recent census of fatal occupational injuries, 611 workers died in construction accidents in the US in 2014.…


Immigrant construction worker exploitation on the rise

As the construction industry is booming again, immigrant construction workers are facing increased risks of exploitation. In a recent article in the Globe, Beth Healy and Megane Woolhouse investigate the practices of greedy contractors looking for cheap labor. Immigrants sometimes very young are being hired illegally by contractors. They are paid cash…


Risk of accidents higher at small construction companies

Promoting safety culture not only reduces the risk of accidents at construction sites but also impacts other business aspects such as productivity and competitiveness. Large construction firms understand this concept and apply it in their day to day business while small construction firms are still lagging behind. A recent survey by the Center for…


Construction accident and injury prevention with pre-fabricated formwork systems

The traditional way of building slab form work entails many risks of accidents and injuries to construction workers. The formwork is built on site, usually out of timber and plywood and concrete is poured into it. Several risks of accidents and injuries are associated with this operation such as: Serious injury…


When a worker is injured or dies on the job should his boss be criminally prosecuted?

Too many workers especially in the construction industry are still being injured or killed at the work place because their boss ignores safety rules. When such tragedy happens we call it an accident. However when a boss ignores safety rules and an employee is being injured or killed because of it,…


Adopting and developing safety culture in the constrution industry not only prevents injury and death but also improves ROI and improves the ability to attract and retain good construction workers

Construction workers have a high risk of getting injured or even dying in an accident while at work. Construction accidents often happen when negligent contractors try to save time or money and put profit ahead of their own workers safety. A new study looking at safety practices among contractors shows that…


Work related injuries exacerbate income inequality

Personal injury attorneys representing construction workers that have been injured at work understand too well the economic consequences of such accidents. When a worker is injured he will not only have direct costs such as medical expenses but also indirect ones such as lost wages and fringe benefits as well as…

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