
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


Thankfully nobody was injured after rocks slide on the Saw Milk River Parkway and hit a car in Westchester County, NY

A woman in a SUV was almost crushed after falling rocks came sliding down on her car while she was driving on the Saw Mill River Parkway in Chapaqua, NY.  The woman was terrified but didn’t suffer any personal injury. The car that was behind her was driven by a retired cop who…


Our Personal Injury Law Firm obtained the highest verdict for a motor vehicle accident involving a bicycle which is also one of the New York Law Journal’s Top 25 New York Verdicts of 2014

Gair Gair Conason Steigman Mackauf Bloom & Rubinowitz was featured in the New York Law Journal’s Top New York Verdicts of 2014 for obtaining the highest award for a verdict in a motor vehicle accident involving a bicycle.  The case was tried by our Managing Partner Ben B. Rubinowitz, along…


Adverse Childhood experiences such as abuse and neglect not only impact a child’s development but also have long term consequences in their lives such as social problems as well as disease and disability

Child abuse and neglect not only have terrible consequences on the life of the victim but also impose a hefty cost on our society.  Some interventions can change these personnally tragic and socially costly outcomes. A new website, Children Adversity Narratives (CAN) launched by Franck Putnam, MD, UNC at Chapel Hill, NC;…


In the military, victims of medical malpractice and their families have no legal right to challenge their care by filing malpractice lawsuits

When medical malpractice or medical error occurs at an American hospital or clinic, the victim of the malpractice or his or her family has the right to legally challenge the facility and obtain explanations and compensation.  The story is very different for the 1.3 million active-duty service members of our…


91 year old woman financially abused by her 62 year old daughter in Upper East Side, New York

A daughter was accused of financially abusing her ailing mother 2 years after her mom suffered a stroke in 2010, 62 year old Barbara Schwarz started to help her with her finances. However instead of helping her she started to steal money from her account to pay for spa treatments, fancy clothes…


A Certified nurse aid was arrested after being charged with physically abusing a nursing home resident at the West Lawrence Care Center in Far Rockaway, Queens, NY

Last August an 80 year old nursing home resident suffered severe personal injury after she was physically abused by a nurse’s aid in a New York facility. The incident happened when 59 year old Marie Jeanty, a certified nurse aid was changing the resident at the West Lawrence Care Center, a nursing home…


Construction worker dies in New York crane accident

A knuckle boom crane fell on a construction worker and killed him yesterday afternoon on a construction site located at 219 E. 44th Street near Second Avenue, New York City. The crane was fitted on a truck parked in front of the building and was used to unload material that was being delivered…


Deaths and injuries related to traffic accidents in New York City at their lowest for the first trimester of 2015

40 people died and  10,069 suffered personal injury in a traffic crash in New York City between January 1st and April 1st 2015 compared to respectively 51 and 10,805 in 2014 and 69 and 11,676 in 2013.  it is also interesting to note that there were more accidents during the three first months of this year…


6 people suffered personal injury after a livery car flipped over in Harlem, New York

6 people were injured in a car accident during which a livery van collided with another car on Park Ave at E. 116th Street in Harlem, NYC. The collision was so powerful that the livery car flipped into the air. Two people were seriously injured and four others suffered only…


More than 120 New Yorkers suffered personal injury and visited the Emergency Room last week after they consumed synthetic marijuana

Illegal products sold as synthetic marijuana are sending an average of 2 to 3 New Yorkers to the emergency room every day since the beginning of 2015.  Users of these products can suffer serious personal injury as the herbal mixture sold as synthetic Marijuana as often been sprayed with harmful chemicals. When smoked…

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