Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is a New York Plaintiff's personal injury law firm specializing in automobile accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, products liability, police misconduct and all types of New York personal injury litigation.
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East_Harlem_apartment_explosion_aerial_viewCon Ed says the city’s negligence caused the gas explosion that destroyed two buildings last year in Harlem. In a law suit filed yesterday, Con Ed indicates that,  over the years, the NYC Department of Transportation received multiple complaints of huge depressions in the street pavement on Park Avenue near 116th street where the two buildings exploded.”As a result of these defects in the city’s infrastructure in the vicinity of the incident, the gas facilities were exposed to and affected by leaking water, rocks, debris, sand, soil, roadway pavement and other foreign objects,” the filing says.

Read  more in the NY Daily News  

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Jeffrey BloomNew York Car Accident Lawyer Jeffrey B. Bloom will be speaking on “Taking a Meaningful Deposition in an Auto Accident Case” tomorrow  June 10th at the “Automobile Litigation Update 2015 : Keeping Current in New York” Seminar presented by the New York State Bar Association. This seminar will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center, at 365 Fifth Avenue in New York from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For those who can not attend in person there will be an option to follow the program on a live webcast however newly admitted attorneys must attend the program in person to receive New York MCLE credit.

Trying or resolving a motor vehicle case requires an understanding of the latest developments and trends in automobile tort law. Designed to familiarize attorneys with the intricacies of automobile litigation in New York State, this seminar will include an overview of the latest developments in underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage, accident reconstruction and the use of biomechanical experts. Experienced practitioners will provide practical information you can use to prepare an automobile claim from the claim stage through discovery and trial. Coverage issues impacting automobile litigation will be also be discussed. The program also includes a segment on ethical considerations.
To learn more about this program or to register click here
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59th Street and FifthA 62 year old woman and a 52 year old man were hit by a car after the driver lost consciousness and his car jumped the curb in front of the Apple store at the intersection of 59th street and 5th Avenue. The two pedestrians as well as the driver and the passenger of the car were injured and taken to the hospital. Midtown North has one of the highest concentration of pedestrian activity in New York City. The sidewalks are crowded with locals, commuters and tourists.  Between 2009 and 2013 there were 2684 auto accidents involving pedestrians that resulted in 23 deaths and 252 personal injuries.


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rubinowitz_torganIn their Trial Advocacy column in the New York Law Journal, Personal Injury Attorneys Ben Rubinowitz, and Evan Torgan write:  There is an old adage that every trial lawyer should accept as gospel: “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” Keeping this maxim in mind, attorneys must strive to make a winning impression early on in the trial so they can use that impression to set the tone for each phase of the remainder of the trial.  Read more in the New York Law Journal .
Download a PDF document of the complete article

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Unfortunately many doctors are not very good at communication with their patients and to protect themselves from medical malpractice, they increase the number of office visits and perform additional but often unnecessary procedures and tests. They call it “defensive medicine” but according to a recent article in the New York Times written by Aarron E. Carroll, a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, all these extra precautions don’t reduce the risk of being sued. Better communication with the patients does. Previous studies and statistics clearly demonstrate that doctors who are willing to change their behavior and become better communicators will significantly decrease their risk of being sued for medical malpractice. Read the complete article

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CuomoThe law in New York State requires victims of medical malpractice to file their claim within 15 months after medical malpractice occurs at a public hospital and 2 1/2  years against a private hospital or physician. Lavern’s Law proposes to start the statute of limitations from the time a patient discovers the malpractice rather than from the time the medical malpractice occurs. Lavern’s Law is named after Lavern Wilkinson who died from a curable form of lung cancer after doctors at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NYC, failed to tell her that a chest X-ray they took in 2010 showed a small, suspicious mass on her right lung and instead sent her back home with Motrin. Lavern only discovered that she had cancer when she was terminal. By that time, the statute of limitations had expired and she wasn’t able to sue the hospital for failure to diagnose lung cancer. She died leaving behind her a daughter who was severely autistic. The city settled Wilkinson’s lawsuit, for $625,000 the day she died, March 7, 2013. Medical malpractice experts said her case would have netted over $10 million had it not been for the statute of limitations. Yesterday Governor Cuomo gave his support to the law. Read more in the NY Daily News


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Right of WayLowering the speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph on Prospect Park West may have saved the life of 5 year old Roark Bennett who was hit by a car at the exact same spot where 12-year-old Sammy Cohen Eckstein was fatally struck by a car two years earlier.  After the death of her son, Amy Cohen became a Vision Zero activist and successfully campaigned to lower the speed limit on Prospect Park West from 30 mph to 25 mph.  Yesterday when Roark Bennett escaped from his parents and ran out in the street against the light, the driver who hit him was travelling at the speed limit and thankfully Roark suffered only minor injuries.  Read more in the NY Daily News

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Every day in New York  City pedestrians and other road users are endangered by reckless drivers who are running red lights.  A study just released by Hunter College indicates that nearly one out of 10 motorists don’t follow the most basic rule of the road.  Lead by Professor Peter Tuckel of Hunter’s sociology department, the study analyzes the behavior of 3,259 motorists at 50 different intersections in New York City. The intersections are all within a few blocks from subway stations.

A total of 283 drivers were caught ignoring red lights. Half of them didn’t even reduce their speed. 85 of them ran the red light as they were turning.

The intersection of Gates and Evergreens Avenues in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC, was the most dangerous of all intersections analyzed during the study followed by W50th and Seventh Ave in Manhattan and New Lots and Miller Avenues in Brooklyn.

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34 year old Ashmeade Rohan died in a motorcycle accident in Brooklyn, New York City, yesterday night around 9;30 pm. Ashmeade and a 20 year old female passenger were riding North on Rockaway Parkway In Canarsie, Brooklyn, New York, when he collided with a car making a left turn on Avenue J. The two bikers were ejected from the motorcycle. Ashmeade was severely injured and died later on at the hospital while his passenger suffered only minor injuries. The driver of the car wasn’t hurt. Read more in the New York Daily News. Vehicles making left turns in front of motorcycles are one of the most, if not most common cause of motorcycle accidents. Having ridden since I was a teenager I always am extra alert when entering intersections for vehicles about to turn left. Another word of advise if you are older and want to start riding, take intensive lessons and don’t make a Harley your first bike. Rule number one, your first Bike should be one that matches your capabilities. If you are over 40 and riding for the first time, a Harley does not. Nor does a racing bike. Make a shaft driven bike no more than 750cc’s your first one.

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truck rolloverA long awaited NHTSA rule has the potential to decrease by 56% untripped rollover crashes (rollover crashes that are not caused by striking an obstacle or leaving the road) of large trucks and big buses.  This new rule requires that all Class 7-8 trucks and large buses be equipped  with electronic stability control (ESC) system. According to the NHTSA “ESC works instantly and automatically to maintain directional control in situations where the driver’s own steering and braking cannot be accomplished quickly enough to prevent the crash.”

This new rule has been a long time coming. The first recommendation to equip large truck and buses with ESC was issued by the NHTSA in 2011.

Read the press release from the NHTSA