
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


The Center for Construction and Research Training just published its 2017 report

Protecting construction workers from being injured or dying in accidents is the mission of the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR). CPWR not only publishes in-depth research in the field of construction safety and health but also provides services and training programs for construction workers. The researchers at CPWR…


Will the latest train accident push Positive Train Control into operation sooner

If Positive Train Control (PTC) was functioning, the recent fatal train accident between a New York –  Miami Amtrack and CSX freight train in South Carolina wouldn’t have occurred. PTC uses satellite technology and track sensors to determine the location of a train and to find out if there is…


NY State Health Department to investigate lead exposure on NYCHA residents

Lead based paint exposure can cause serious personal injury, especially to young children. Lead poisoning builds in the body over months, sometimes over years.  A small quantity of lead such as paint on the wall or dust is enough to create severe mental and physical impairments in children and a…


More than half of deadly falls in the US could be avoided if construction workers had access to proper safety equipement

The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) looked over 33 years of data from the NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program and found out that falls were responsible for 42% of hard hat deaths. The CPWR searchers also found that  54% of the workers who died after falling did not…


Driver who killed pedestrian was told by his doctor not to drive

A driver who killed a pedestrian was previously told by his doctor not to drive. 41 year old Mark Antoine suffers from multiple sclerosis, a condition that can lead to partial or complete loss of vision as well as issues with limbs and lack of coordination. His doctor ordered him…


New York State construction workers have much higher risk of death than New York City hard hats

Over the last five years, the fatal occupational injury rate in NY State increased by 29% while it decreased by 21.3% in New York City. Up until 2014 it was more dangerous to be a construction worker in the city than to be a construction worker somewhere else in New…


3 men died in NYC car accidents last week-end, one of them was a pedestrian

A 31 year old man from the Bronx was killed by a drunk driver in a car accident in New York City. The accident occurred Saturday around 2:50 am on Burke Ave. 54 year old Andres Mayora crashed into 31 year old Shiquam Dunn. Mayora was drunk and speeding when…


New York Car Accident Lawyer Marijo Adimey to speak at NYSBA Seminar “Keeping Current with New York Automobile Litigation”

Our partner, NYC auto accident attorney Marijo Adimey is a Program Faculty Member for “Keeping Current with New York Automobile Litigation “, a yearly seminar organised by the New York State Bar Association. She will be speaking Today at the Long Island Melvin Marriott and on March 1st at the CFA…


Less deaths but more injuries in NYC traffic accidents in 2017, pedestrian deaths at their lowest, cyclists deaths at their highest

In 2017, 102 pedestrians, 20 cyclists, 24 passengers and 63 drivers died in auto accidents in New York City compared to respectively 134, 18, 17 and 54 in 2016. According to the traffic collision data released monthly by the NYPD, a total of 209 people died in traffic accidents in…

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