
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


How to protect children from personal injuries and death related to abuse and neglect in rural areas?

Rural America may seem idyllic but  children living in these areas have a higher risk of being maltreated and are more vulnerable to death from injuries then children living in urban settings. According to recent data, rural children have twice the rate of overall maltreatment as the general population. The risk…


With the first product liability lawsuits being filed against duodenoscope manufacturers, it was diclosed today that the devices that led to the CRE outbreak at UCLA where not FDA approved

Patients and family of patients that have been infected by contaminated duodenoscopes at UCLA Hospital started  to file product liability lawsuits against Olympus, the manufacturer of the medical devices. 18 year old Aaron Young was the first one to file his lawsuit. The high school student is still hospitalized and receiving treatment for …


Registrations are open for the CHOP 3rd Annual Diagnosis and Management of Concussion, a one day conference on head injury and concussion for clinicians and school personal involved in the management of care for students with concussion

Every day students from elementary school to college are sustaining concussions during sport or playground activities.  A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can affect the student’s cognitive, physical emotional and sleep functions.  Recent research has shown that knowledge of a concussion’s potential effects on a student and appropriate management of the return-to-school…


A pedestrian sustained serious personal injury after being pinned between two yellow cabs in Midtown Manhattan

A 42 year old woman was loading her luggage in the trunk of a cab when she was hit by another cab that crashed into her and pinned her between the two vehicles. A witness who saw the crash said that the taxi crushed the leg of the woman who…


Councilman Rory Lancman from Queens wants to amend the Right of Way Law

Since last August in New York, the new Right of Way Law makes it a criminal misdemeanor for drivers to strike pedestrians or cyclists who have the right of way. Multiple drivers including 6 bus drivers have been charged and arrested for violating this law. Queens Coucilman Rory Lancman who…


The number of fatal vehicle accidents per mile traveled on American roads may have reached an historical low in 2014 according to preliminary estimates from the National Safety Council

35,400 people died and 4.3 million people suffered personal injury that required medical attention last year on American roads according to preliminary statistics from the National Safety Council (NSC). The number of crash fatalities is 0.5% higher than in 2013 however because 2014 was a year of economical expansion during…


The nurse who sexually abused a nursing home patient with dementia will be sent to jail for six month after he accepted a plea deal

In February 2013, a 64 year old female resident of a New York nursing home was sexually abused by a 42 year old male nurse.  After the case was adjourned several times (see previous blog), Nanic Aidasani pleaded guilty Monday at the Bronx Supreme Court to endangering the welfare of an…


20 year old pedestrian dies in a truck accident in New York

A tractor trailer fatally hit a young man who was crossing a street in the Bronx, NYC, Tuesday night. The truck accident happened around 10.20 pm. 20 year old Kenny Valette was crossing Webster Ave near E. 174 Street when he was struck by a large truck that was making a…


New York Construction Accidents Prevention: 2015 Build Safe / Live Safe Conference

The NYC department of Building just announced that the Construction Safety week will start Monday April 27th 2015 with the Build Safe / Live Safe conference. In this daylong series of seminars, Department experts will discuss industry trends and highlight safe construction operations.  Professional credit will be available. Tickets can be…


The weight loss supplement Oxy Elite Pro is a dangerous product that can potentially harm or kill consumers because it may contain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) used for treating depression, bulimia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphonic disorder (PMDD)

The FDA is asking consumers to stop using the weight loss product  Oxy Elite Pro Super Thermogenic after the agency found  that the product was tainted with fluoxetine, a potential harmful class of drugs called serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). When used without doctor supervision, SSRIs can have serious side effects such as sucidal…

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